CRU-MM Modern Melanin Mask
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalms 139:14

CRU-MM's modern melanin mask is a premium freeze treatment mask with time released hyaluronic acid to help the skin bind moisture and stay hydrated throughout the day.
Shop Modern Melanin MaskComprised of anti-aging peptides, cryotherapy, and antioxidant pomegranate this is an ideal weekly or monthly treatment to soothe and soften skin, lock in potent serums, and also help to heal the skin post procedure.
Cleanse and dry your face. The mask will NOT stick to a wet face. Remove the mask and separate white film prior to use the smoothside down, apply to face pressing down to ensure good contact. Leave on at least 10-15 minutes or until desired. Carefully peel the mask off starting at the outer edges, pulling towards the center.
Apply favorite serum and moisturizer and/or SPF.